
OKATECH expanded metal

Exclusive daylight system: Insulating glass with expanded metal insert

Glass facades with OKATECH expanded metal inserts always set visual accents. The copper and aluminum inserts are not only attractive elements of design but also function as direction-selective daylight systems and ensure effective sun and glare-protection.

During the day, they give the building shell a special glow and the façade has a metallic shimmer in the sunlight. At night, when artificial light is used, they allow deep views into the interior.
In addition to façades and parapets, OKATECH expanded metal is also suited for sophisticated interior design applications.

Variety of Design and Attractive Aesthetics

  • The gleaming metal inlays give the facades a unique character and a special brilliance
  • Different properties oft he building shell
  • Combination of various metals and coatings
  • Variable geometry and dimension
  • Sophisticated design solutions
  • Embedding in a Multifunctional Module (MFM) is possible
  • The energy balance of the building can be significantly improved by combining OKALUX@ HPI


  • Angle-selective sun and glare protection
  • Reduced solar entry into the building
  • Visibility as bird protection function
  • Fire protection according to requirements


  • Fully recyclable
  • Long-lasting, maintanance-free and easy to clean

User Comfort

  • Successful combination of privacy and partial view
  • Comfortable interior atmosphere through evenly diffused daylight

  • Maximum dimensions: 1,250 mm x 3,500 mm, larger sizes available upon request
  • Maximum dimensions: 7 m2
Expanded Metal
Functional coating Ug-value [W/(m2K)] TSET Light Transmission
Double Glazing Type Krypton Argon Air (%) min.1 - max.2 (%) min.1 - max.2
Copper low-e 1,0 1,2 1,5 15 - 36 9 - 45
solar 0,9 1,1 1,4 13 - 24 8 - 39
Aluminium low-e 1,0 1,2 1,5 9 - 31 8 - 39
solar 0,9 1,1 1,4 8 - 21 6 - 34

1 for angle of incidence γ = 60°
2 for angle of incidence γ = 0° (vertical to the glass surface)


University of California Irvine Medical Center Hospital mit OKATECH Orange County, CA


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