About us For over a century, we have been passionate about glass in all its fascinating diversity.
As a dynamic, growing family-run business, our work has been centred around glass, a truly fascinating material, for over 100 years.
During this time we have grown from operating a single workshop in our local area to now being Europe’s biggest family-run glass manufacturer and processor, employing around 6,000 people across 70 locations.
Swiss quality, excellent service and reliable partnerships are just some of our core values.
Our float glass, which we produce in-house, is where our value chain begins. It forms the basis of many different types of architectural glass, which are used in the construction of façades, windows, roofs and internal spaces. Whether you are seeking optimal energy efficiency, anti-reflective views, noise reduction, or burglar-proof, bird-friendly and fire-resistant products: our range of intelligent glass solutions has something for everyone.
We also produce various types of innovative technical glass in our highly automated factories, which are used for laboratory and medical devices and in many other sectors. Our high-quality glass also helps keep passengers on aeroplanes, cars and trains safe.
A company is only ever as good as its employees. And we are no different. This is why we help our employees to achieve their goals and ensure everyone benefits from an enjoyable working environment, because we are confident that each and every individual can achieve great things when working with us.
Environmental protection is of the utmost importance to the Glas Trösch Group. As such, our float glass operations are amongst the cleanest and most efficient in the world. Visit the Sustainability section of our website to find out more about the concrete steps we are taking to help combat climate change.
We have been creating clarity since
We have been joined on our journey by
6000 employees
We are established in
13 countries
We have
70 locations near you

Mission statement The best possible balance between benefits to society, the environment and the economy.
We use its innovative potential to consistently offer our customers the best solutions. With our decentralised structure, we strive for economic success that secures our long-term independence as a family-run business.
Since the company was founded in 1905, we have grown from operating a single workshop in our local area to now being Europe’s biggest glass manufacturer and processor. We’re committed to our roots, but we’re also aware of the key importance of continuous targeted innovation, which we promote across all areas. This allows us to develop meaningful, future-proof products and services that support our strategic goals.
As a company, we are only as good as our employees. This is why we help our employees to achieve their goals and ensure everyone benefits from an enjoyable working environment. In return, we expect a high degree of commitment, which we compensate fairly. We set ambitious goals, make decisions quickly and pragmatically, and stay focussed on what's important. We’re convinced that each and every one of us can make a big difference.
Our customers are at the heart of everything we do and we hold them in very high esteem. We want our glass products and innovative solutions to excite them again and again. Swiss commitment to quality, excellent service and reliable partnerships are just some of our core values.
Protecting the nvironmentis our top priority. So we develop intelligent solutions and products that sustainably curb resource consumption. At the same time, we’re constantly enhancing the environmental friendliness and efficiency of our processes. We promote environmental awareness among our employees.
We are guided by the principles of truth and clarity. External and internal relations should be based on honesty. Promises made and obligations assumed are to be honoured unconditionally. This creates trust,provides the basis for growth and fosters innovation and opportunities.
History From 1905 to today: continuous development and sustainable growth.
Glas Trösch was founded by Johann Friedrich Trösch, who had developed a method for transferring images onto glass and porcelain. In 1938, his son Rudolf Friedrich Trösch (1907-1992) transformed the company into a joint-stock company. He built a glass cutting workshop and a mirror production facility, which laid the foundations for the industrial development of the company. In 1956, the sons Heinz and Erwin Trösch took over the management of the joint-stock company and propelled the expansion of the group with the help of ground-breaking manufacturing processes for multi-pane insulating glass.
The Swisslamex windshield was brought to market and Swissdurex single-pane safety glass went into production one year later, followed shortly thereafter, the product by Swisslamex laminated safety glass.
The company began with large-scale vacuum coating and introduced the latest generation of high-performance thermal insulated glass from the brand Silverstar. This was later supplemented by Sunstop UV coatings and Luxar anti-reflective glass. The family business's fourth-generation CEO, Erich Trösch, built the Euroglas flat glassworks in Hombourg, Alsace, which opened in 1995. Two years later, a second float glass factory was built in Haldensleben, near Magdeburg. In 2001, Glas Trösch acquired the production facilities of Schwabenglas GmbH in Germany.
The third Euroglas production site was opened in Osterweddingen. The production of laminated safety glass was also expanded in 2007 with the commissioning of the Eurolamex sites in Osterweddingen and Bützberg.
The group took over the insulating glass plant TOV LineWood Artjomowks in Ukraine. In 2009, the fourth Euroglas production site was opened in Ujazd (Poland). In 2013, Glas Trösch integrated EuropTec, based in Oftringen (Switzerland), which specialises in technical glass and polymer.
Acquisition of the Dutch company Scheuten Glas. In 2021, Glas Trösch acquired the Technical Glass segment of the Berliner Glas Group.
Code of Conduct The principles of what we do.
Our Code of Conduct takes a close look at what we mean when we speak of proper conduct and how we intend to approach legal requirements and ethical issues.
Our Code of Conduct is anchored in our company, employee and broader HR policies and serves as a guideline for our conduct as a corporate group.
The Code of Conduct is also intended to help employees adhere to the statutory and ethical principles in the event of conflicts of interest.
Excerpts from our Code of Conduct:
Glas Trösch is committed to living up to its corporate social responsibility in all its business activities.
Glas Trösch is committed to complying with the applicable laws and other relevant provisions of the countries in which it operates in all business activities and decisions. Business partners are to be treated fairly. Contracts are to be adhered to, in consideration of framework conditions.
- Corruption
When dealing with business partners (customers, suppliers) and government institutions, the interests of the company and the private interests of employees on both sides are kept strictly separate. Negotiations are carried out and (purchase) decisions are made without taking any extraneous considerations or personal interests into account. Suppliers who also adhere to comparable codes of conduct and have a credible commitment to do so will be prioritised over otherwise similar suppliers. The applicable anti-corruption legislation must be complied with.
- Conduct towards competitors (antitrust legislation)
Glas Trösch respects fair competition. For this reason, Glas Trösch complies with the applicable laws that protect and promote competition, in particular the applicable antitrust laws and other laws regulating competition.
- Forced labour
Glas Trösch rejects all forms of forced labour.
- Child labour
Glas Trösch observes the regulations of the United Nations on human and children’s rights.
- Human rights
Glas Trösch respects and supports the observance of internationally recognised human rights.
- Discrimination
Glas Trösch undertakes to oppose all forms of discrimination within the context of the applicable rights and laws. This applies in particular to discrimination against employees on the basis of gender, race, disability, ethnic or cultural origin, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation.
- Health and safety
Glas Trösch ensures occupational health and safety in the workplace within the framework of the applicable national regulations. Glas Trösch supports continuous development to improve the world of work.
- Leadership and social interaction
The working environment at Glas Trösch is built on the principle of mutual respect. Constructive collaboration is to be promoted at all levels of the company.
Glas Trösch guides its employees by setting clear objectives that are achievable and ethically justifiable. Compliance with ethical principles and the achievement of targets is discussed at employee meetings no less than once a year in an environment of mutual respect. Minutes of the meeting shall be drawn up, which are to be signed by both parties.
- Environmental protection
In the interest of current and future generations, Glas Trösch is firmly committed to protecting the environment. Glas Trösch also supports the environmentally conscious actions of its employees.
- Trade secrets
As a Glas Trösch employee, your daily work will involve a large amount of confidential information. You are obliged to keep company and trade secrets. Confidential information and documents may not be passed on to third parties or otherwise made available to third parties without authorisation unless authorisation has been granted or the information is already public knowledge.
- Customs
As an internationally active group of companies, Glas Trösch is interested in open markets and free trade. However, Glas Trösch unreservedly acknowledges that restrictions to markets and free trade must be imposed for certain categories of goods in the interests of security in order to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction or the uncontrolled export of armaments and dual-use products.
- Taxes
Glas Trösch acknowledges that taxes must be levied in order to adequately meet public commitments. This includes, in particular, the provision of public goods which would either not be made available to the necessary extent or not be made available at all without tax revenue from the private sector. Glas Trösch therefore complies with the applicable tax laws in all business activities and decisions and does not engage in inappropriate schemes to circumvent tax liability. Glas Trösch determines the transaction conditions within the Group on the basis of the arm-length principle.