
Sports hall in the green

| Glas Trösch | Reference

For the new sports hall in the Swiss municipality of Eschlikon, the architects Graf Biscioni opted for structural simplicity.

At the interface of the town and the surrounding hilly landscape, they designed a volume-saving building of simple elegance.  Used as perimeter glass panels and doors, our insulating glass SILVERSTAR SELEKT 74/42 and SILVERSTAR EN2plus brings the magnificent nature almost into the interior of the building. There is also plenty of daylight entering the sports hall, so the use of artificial light can be minimized. At the same time low Ug values ensure maximum thermal insulation and thus contribute to the energy efficiency of the building.

  • Building Type Sportsfacility
  • Application Façade
  • Product SILVERSTAR thermal insulation coating
  • Location Eschlikon, Switzerland

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