
Modern constructive glass building meets 170 years old natural stone

| Glas Trösch | Reference

The age-old motif of the pergola finds its way into the present in this Swiss village in a particularly innovative way.

A glass annex nestles up against the 19th-century farmhouse and protects the terrace from wind and weather. Our laminated safety glass SWISSLAMEX is used both for the 13 individual glass supports and beams and for the differently shaped glass panes mounted on them. Shoe profiles for anchoring, various holes for stainless steel discs, weatherproofing on the glass roof: the project required top performance from customized glass production to precise assembly. For the largest glass used - 5.90 x 1.75 m - Mario Russi from Cladding AG and the metalworkers from Merkle Metallbau realized what was technically feasible for such a construction. Thanks to this commitment, the pergola of extra white laminated safety glass with its noble bluish character now elegantly complements the existing building.

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