
Golden prospects

| Glas Trösch | Reference

Why not get your indoor trainers out again and get active? The Ambérieu Hall in Mering is the perfect place to do so. Following an intensive energy-efficient refurbishment, it now shines in futuristic splendour and is home to the sporting enthusiasm of the people of Mering.

It gets its extraordinary golden look from clever glazing. At the architect's request, we supplied bluish single-pane solar control glass and yellow laminated safety glass. These two types of glass are combined and skilfully used to create the golden shimmer. Used in a black edge seal system and thanks to the SILVERSTAR EN2plus coating, the glass provides excellent thermal insulation properties - for optimum sport at any time of year.

  • Building Type Sportsfacility
  • Application Façade
  • Product SILVERSTAR thermal insulation coating, SILVERSTAR SUNSTOP (Solar control)
  • Location Mering, Germany

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