
Continuity and Fluidity

| Glas Trösch | Reference

A multimedia artwork designed by artist Angelika Walthert graces the entrance area of the CSS headquarters in Lucerne.

It combines a glass drawing of an electrocardiogram with an oil painting on canvas and a handmade wool carpet. Fluid and luminous, the ensemble symbolizes the transience and continuity of life, serving as a daily reminder of the delicate balance of health and well-being, making it a fitting installation for such a setting.

The electrocardiogram drawing is set in SWISSLAMEX laminated safety glass and extra-white SWISSDUREX glazing, realized as a COLORPRINT design. Innovatively illuminated, it visibility enhaces depending on the ambient light – a technique devised by Walthert herself.

  • Building Type Office and Administration Building
  • Application Façade
  • Product SWISSLAMEX VSG laminated safety glass, SWISSDUREX ESG (single-pane safety glass)
  • Location Lucerne, Switzerland

© Susanne Perron Luzern

© Susanne Perron Luzern

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