
EUROGLAS at glasstec 2024

| EUROGLAS | Trade fairs and events | Company

Our presence at the world's leading trade fair glasstec is all about climate-friendly glass. In Düsseldorf, we will be presenting our latest generation of COMBI solar control coatings, which combine summer and winter heat protection better than ever before and thus protect the climate.

In addition to optimised selectivity, the SILVERSTAR coatings also impress with their uniform, neutral blue exterior colour. The newly designed EUROGLAS trade fair stand will also be dedicated to our standard float glass with low CO2 emissions, from which all Glas Trösch Group products benefit. Be it our environmentally friendly bird protection glass BIRDPROTECT, the effective fire protection glass FIRESWISS, our anti-reflective glass LUXAR or the elegant glass railing system SWISSRAILING: Come and see the variety and innovative power of our glass solutions for yourself. We look forward to welcoming you to stand E24 in hall 11 from 22 October.

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