North America


Insulating glass with functional timber insert

OKAWOOD timber grid unites high functional demands with an especially attractive design and comfortable atmosphere. A filigree timber grid in the cavity serves as direction-selective sun and glare-protection depending on the position of the sun and angle of irradiation. Daylight in a warm hue enters the interior through the gaps between the staffs. Transparency and light transmission can adjusted to the individual requirements.

High Functionality

  • Effictive, direction selective sun and glare protection
  • View and light transmission can be adjusted at the factory
  • Embedding in a Multifunctional Module (MFM) is possible
  • Fire resistance according to requirements
  • Visibility as bird protection function


  • Renewable material
  • Timber Grids originate from sustainable forest cultivations
  • The glass protects the high-quality inserts from adverse weather conditions
  • Long-lasting, maintenance-free and easy to clean
  • Fully recyclable

Variety of Design and Attractive Aesthetics

  • Natural appearance with unmistakable character
  • Vivid building shell
  • Consistent design concepts from the façade to the interior can be realized
  • Sophisticated Interior-Design-Solutions, for example as partition, privacy or exhibition architecture

User Comfort

  • Comfortable atmosphere through warmly tinted light
  • Smart perception of sorroundings

The filigree horizontal wooden rods with a face width of 10 mm are supported at intervals of 50 - 60 cm by 10 mm wide vertical joists. As a rule, the wooden insert is installed in combination with a heat insulation layer on the inner pane. We recommend toughened safety glass (ESG/ESG-H) or laminated safety glass (VSG) made of toughened glass (TVG) as the inner or outer pane.

  • Maximum dimensions Abachi, White Seraya*: 1,700 mm x 3,500 mm, larger sizes upon request
OKAWOOD timber grid Total Thickness Ug-value [W/(m2K)] TSET Light Transmission
Double glazing1 mm Krypton Argon Air (%) min.2 - max.3 (%) min.2 - max.3
18 1,3 1,6 1,9 11 - 28 2 - 30

1 Double glazing build-up with a functional low-e coating at face #3 vertical glazing
2 for angle of incidence γ = 60°
3 for angle of incidence γ = 0° (vertical to the glass surface)
*on request from 400 sqm


Oklahoma Science Museum mit OKAWOOD Oklahoma City


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